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Fundraising Room ...

***Gold Star image/design

the gold star collection for holiday ...
% of sales is donated to GSM&GSF
gold star for holiday with additional products ... etc travel/coffee mug

(annual fund raising -once a year)
same label and hangtag for all collections and channels of distribution
***opportunity for off site distribution
can create exclusive setups/collection for partnerships
for target specific items and price point
lots of opportunity to expand and grow
***approved with the same graphics and PMS colors
all supports the online fundraising ... could expand to retail locations ... register round up or dollar amts

annual holiday event
fundraising dollars, a % of sales to be donated to the GSM&F
and possibly for offsite distribution
and on order form for group events, maybe a feature on the homepage slideshow ... just during the holidays

***if approved

clubs fundraiser/donation
holiday for the Gold Star Mother/Family fund upon approval -

star club members host the annual coffee
Holiday Star Collection
fundraiser -

featured as an authorized donation site / on the homepage slideshow
all proceeds from donations go for Gold Star Mother/Family fund-

***tbc ...if demand or potential ...
can also feature more of a spring/summer collection ???
for a year round offering

big protional period is during the holidays

from the star collection, host star event -holiday
proceeds are donated to
the GSM & F fund
to support and or coordinate with their own fundraising efforts
I know they have their own logo star and organization so I think it can work this way?

wht/gold star is the image for the star holiday collection
start with long sleeve t-shirts, coffee mug, watch ... lots of possibilities

to coordinate with online efforts

I am hoping to connect with some partners ...
for the fundraiser bb wears is not planning to generate
any revenue off of any media placements, from a pitch/may have expired
I would grant permission at no cost,
or any funds generated would go to GSM&F
merchandise featured for the special fundraising event,
% of product sales is donated
tbc - costs/manufacturer
a collection/event to raise funds to donate to GSM&F

***from previous notes / may be duplicate info but will clean up before going live

club hosts the annual holiday event ...

***My Mother's Grandmother, my Great Grandmother
was a Gold Star Mother/WW1
and for my service project I want to show my support and respect
for all the other Gold Star families

( 1 set featured for the Holidays )
** can be featured
on homepage slideshow for holiday selling

may start out as one t-shirt - can start from garage brand
where a % of sales from the gold star t-shirt is donated to the GSM&F

for star solid gold on wht
long sleeve that can be worn year round

***all to be confirmed - if ok/appropriate
(just for the Holidays - GSM&F Day)

have one star image on each product
% of sales from star salute is donated to GSM&F
with the intention that gold image - star collection / holidays
will have additional product extentions
with the insignia bee as a label
start with year round long sleeve and
build + hat, travel mug, watch, flag, candle ... etc


***I think I figured this out ...
a few details to work through ...
the donation/fundraising for GSM &F is something I'd like
to initiate .. to help launch by suggestion/consultant
I guess my own service project ...
I don't want to make any money from this
online fundraising effort ...
the star is like the center of the official god star logo
and the club service project is % of product sales from the gold star collection is donated to GSM&F
so is it ok to just feature the gold star
as in share a moment ... tribute ... because it's being donated
not sure if it needs for be featured online with official gold star logo or
if bb wears gold star is ok ???

as a share a moment ... tribute

*** if there is demand for additional products can build on later

just want to do it correctly

initial ideas for star collection - tbc ... will update as things are confirmed

design having the look of a coordinating pin
on- travel mug and or t-shirt and or hat, possibly a candle, flag-opportunities to build on ...
playing cards - a gold outline of a star instead of wildcard

possibly just white with gold -exterior - holiday collection
to match up w/GSM pin, concept is to have updated fundraising items
tribute ... giving thanks and remembering right after Thanksgiving ... weekend after ... for Holiday season ...
special event 1-7 day event, Thurs-Sun, set amt, available at select retail partnership locations, while qtys last and
have an online donation box - gifting the fund/100% of donations go directly to the fund-transaction fee, or
donation absorbs transaction fee
evaluating best fit......want to make it accessible and an authorized payment site ...possibly GOOGLE PAY, payment option/non-profit rates

***tbd my vision is to have an accessible online donation site for the majority of the fundraising ... one day event during the holidays,
soon after Thanksgiving
go to the GOOGLE website, GOOGLE PAY handles the online transaction,
similar to an online Red Cross relief fundraiser
commemoration coffee to launch/kick off the fundraising

(inspired by GSM holiday tree decorating at WH)

in hopes of becoming an annual fundraiser ...

*** this is a proposal for a insignia bee label

tribute ... give the gift that keeps on giving

clubs annual service project
for the Gold Star Mother/Family fund upon approval